Trading From Alaska!
Dear Traders,
My apologies for missing the newsletter as well as a few trading days. This week, I am hiking, running, and sightseeing in Alaska. Once I leave the most northern state, I plan to travel south to the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador to enjoy some marine biology before heading back home to Vancouver. I do, however, expect to be trading most of the days that I’m on the road. Here is a shot of yours truly, trail running near Seward, Alaska.
Today, I traded a few tickers including Pfizer. The Pfizer trade was on a very nice 9/20 TradeBook. You can watch the recap here. Thor also posted a great recap on an amazing short he did on Apple as well as a long on Target. His recap can be found here.
Once again this week, we are offering several important webinars on technology, strategy, and the psychology of trading. A complete list of all of our webinars can be found on our website, and all recordings are available for further review in our Education Center.
Our Tuesday Strategy webinar was an informative webinar with Kyle on using volume profile and understanding price action. The recording will be posted in the Education Center very soon.
Wednesday Psychology is with Mike Baehr, presenting another session based on our book, Introduction to Trading Psychology. It starts at 8pm ET tonight and the focus is Module 3: Importance of Discipline in Trading.
Thursday Mentorship is with myself in the morning at 11am ET, and with Thor in the evening at 8pm ET.
Last, but certainly not least, Jarad will be leading another Crypto Friday session at 11am ET.
Don’t forget, if you would like to take your trading to the next level by working with Peter, John, Aiman, Simon, Dimah, Thor, and many other experienced traders, including myself, please consider joining our Peak Capital Trading boot camp starting September 7th. Our seats are limited, so make sure to sign up early, or otherwise you may have to wait for the first boot camp of 2022. Sign up here.
As ever, I can be reached at [email protected] or you can simply reply to this email.
To your success,