Nasdaq and I Are Going to High Altitudes!
Hello Traders,
Are we back in a new bull market? This is the question everyone is asking. The bulls are taking a victory lap, while the bears are scratching their heads, wondering why the market is going up with all the bad news on the way! In yesterday’s newsletter, I wrote about how Dr. Burry congratulated the dip buyers and admitted that he was wrong to suggest selling stocks. Some are arguing that the reason the Nasdaq is rallying is because of the mega caps carrying the weight, and some believe the recent drop in the 2-year is causing the rally in the growth stocks.
The chart below shows exactly how the recent drop in rates has coincided with the rally in the Nasdaq.

But as traders, all we care about is the volatility and the catalysts needed to trade stocks. Using this Nasdaq strength, I traded $TSLA and $TQQQ this morning, and Paras did the similar trade on $META and $TSLA! If you have not already done so, make sure you catch the recap here and subscribe to our new channel here.

As you know, I had to leave early today and am headed to BOLIVIA. This is part of my climatization for Mount EVEREST. I will be away for about two weeks, hiking and practicing down there. But no matter where I am and where I go, I cannot seem to be able to escape or fight the FED!!!

I suspect I will have access to Wi-Fi and should be able to trade the majority of days!
If you are in or around Vegas, we are planning a BBT Meetup at the MoneyShow with Mike, Ardi, Brian, and Megan. Ardi is presenting a MasterClass there as well as a free presentation, and he will be joined by a few of the mods to make it a full-on BBT Meetup! If you are around and down to meet, stay tuned, as more details on the Meetup will be released soon! If you are interested in seeing Ardi’s free presentation on Options trading, make sure to sign up for the MoneyShow here!

To your success,
PS: I love to stay connected with everyone on social media and each platform is of course different:
> Follow me on Instagram for the travelling trader lifestyle!
> Connect with me on LinkedIn for professional content.
> Follow me on Twitter for trade recaps and some memes!
> Subscribe to my YouTube channel for hot content from the BBT team.