Is Inflation Out of Control?
Dear Traders,
Hello again from Istanbul, Turkey. I am looking forward to coming back home to Vancouver next week and to finalize the preparations for hosting all of you in two weeks! I made some really good trades today, and in particular with LCID and MRNA. I also did not repeat yesterday’s mistake and was able to actually keep my profit this time! You can watch the recap Brian and I posted HERE.
BBT members have had a packed week, full of many webinars and mentorship opportunities. It seems only right to close the week with a shoutout to our “Chief Crypto Officer” Jarad. I can personally attest that Jarad offers exceptional mentoring in crypto and the markets. If you are an Elite member, do make sure to check out his Friday morning sessions.
The Economist, one of my favorite magazines, tweeted earlier today a mock-up of a front cover, proclaiming that: “The sharp increase in inflation over the past year has blindsided many economists. Almost no one saw it coming”. Well, really? I can assure The Economist that in the BBT chatroom, Brian, Jarad, and Ardi have been talking about inflation for at least a year now!
I am excited to be back in Vancouver next week and to host all of you on December 3rd for our largest Meetup yet! If you have not RSVP’d for our gathering and the EDM event that follows, your last chance to do so is right HERE!
To your success,
PS: Have you had the chance to try out our free replay tool? It is a web-based stock trading simulator that lets you replay the market, tick by tick, for free. Virtually every single day we are adding some new and cool features to this tool and it will remain free for everyone! You can check it out here. If you have not already, ensure you add your name to Aiman and Simon’s distribution list by submitting your email address in the appropriate place on our stock trading simulator site. Their weekly trading opportunities (and homework!) will then be delivered direct to your Inbox.