Heavy Loss in Choppy Market | LIVE Interview this Afternoon
Dear Traders,
Ardi, Peter, and I have just returned from another excellent NYC meetup where we enjoyed chatting for some 3 hours with so many different traders coming and going from the venue. My flight was delayed and I therefore missed trading on Monday morning, and this morning unfortunately was not that successful of a trading day. I lost on TSLA and AMD. You can watch my recap with Brian here. I’m pleased to advise that Brian had a much better day.

Everyone, please note that TODAY at 4:00pm ET we are conducting a live interview on our YouTube channel with one of the best portfolio managers on Wall Street, Michael Gayed. Please join us LIVE and support this event.
Tonight, for Tuesday Strategy, Peter is hosting a webinar entitled: TradeBook: Trading a Single Stock. One question that has been debated in trading for years is whether it is better to become a specialist in a single ticker or to play the whole market. In this webinar, Peter will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on a single stock when day trading. He’ll also share techniques you can use to take advantage of a single stock focus and how you can avoid some of the biggest pitfalls lurking out there. Peter’s presentation begins at 8pm ET.
To your success,