Don’t Get Hacked!
Dear Traders,
My apologies for missing the newsletter this week. Because of that, I wasn’t able to announce Kyle Kimsey’s and Dr. Jonathan Katz’ two webinars. Kyle offered a very important webinar about how to protect the safety and security of your trading accounts and crypto wallets. This is an issue that is extremely important these days. I’m only 37, with a PhD, and yet even I sometimes think that I’m falling behind the fast pace of changes that are unfolding around me. I’ve recognized this year that I need to work harder at staying up to date with technology and such.
The world truly is moving faster than ever, and we need to ensure that we keep caught up, whether we particularly want to or not. One of my friends, who is 32, is a DJ and music producer, and extremely tech savvy in such a way that he is building his own PC and, even him, believe it or not, got hacked. The hackers were able to empty his cryptocurrency wallet while he was actually working on the PC! Here is a link to his almost unbelievable story. Read it, please.
We at Bear Bull Traders are committed to helping each other stay not just on top of our trading but, and I write this sincerely, beyond that, to other aspects of life too. I know for a fact that our entire leadership team puts into practice the principle of leading by example. For me personally, I try to demonstrate in my daily actions that one can be a successful trader, entrepreneur, and executive, and at the same time can also be health and food conscious and live a life that is dedicated to trying to help others wherever they might be on this journey of life. Helping each other to stay up to date, safe and smart when it comes to one’s trading career, and one’s life, is definitely part of what this trading community is all about. And I wouldn’t want it any other way!
I highly recommend that you watch this week’s webinar by Kyle on how to protect the safety and security of your trading and crypto assets. It’s now posted in our Education Center.
As well, on Wednesday, Dr. Katz held another very well-received town hall with several key traders. It’s also now posted in our Education Center. Thanks to everyone for attending and supporting Dr. Katz’ town halls.
Speaking of cryptocurrencies, Jarad Champagne has started offering a crypto mentorship session each Friday at 11am ET. Jarad is a computer scientist who works for a Fortune 500 company in the US. He is passionate about both trading and helping other traders. He most likely makes a high 6-figure salary and certainly does not need to come on board at 8am ET each day for his Engineering the Market & Morning Outlook show, but he loves being part of our community and guiding others. I have met Jarad on a few occasions now, and the last time we had a good chat about crypto assets and how they work. We touched on lots of topics including how they are valued and how the various currencies differ. Jarad has read most of the whistleblowers’ material and has invested in several of these assets himself. Don’t miss these new Friday morning sessions in the webinar room (Elite members only). Trust me, there is much to be learned from Jarad. I’ll be there 100%.
A full list of webinars can be found on our website’s Webinar page.
As ever, I can be reached at [email protected], or you can just simply reply to this email.
To your success,
PS: One very significant advantage to being an Elite member is the full access you receive to everything, literally everything, that Bear Bull Traders offers. In recognition of July 4th, the American Independence Day, we are pleased to provide you with a 40% discount on our Elite annual membership.
PS 2: Please also don’t forget to RSVP for Thor Young’s meetup in NYC on July 3rd. I know it’s going to be an amazing time. Many members of our leadership team will be there including Kyle, who is joining us from Nevada. I personally have not met Kyle yet. I will let you know how it goes in a future email. I sense what follows will be the type of picture of him you can expect me to share with you. Any thoughts?