Can Day Trading Really Be Profitable Or Is It Just A Dream?
Hello Traders,
As you all know, I have been traveling for the past few weeks in Vietnam and Dubai, and now I am at my final destination: Switzerland. I came here to see my really good friend and research partner Carlo Zarattini to test some new strategies and potentially write a few more papers and a book.
Carlo was a quant for some of the biggest hedge funds in the world and his team currently engages in quantitative trading for a family office and some other volatile hedge funds.
You can see the Bookmap and Bloomberg Terminal in the background of the picture! Carlo and I teamed up last year to write a paper on the Opening Range Breakout strategy (ORB) titled: “Can Day Trading Really Be Profitable?”
The paper we wrote earlier this year has been downloaded more than 12,000 times and currently ranks in the top 700 papers out of millions of papers that are published in the field of finance.
I am working with Carlo on publishing three new papers that further prove if looked at systematically, that many Day Trading Strategies we have developed in-house, can actually provide excessive returns in the long run and beat the buy-and-hold strategies.
So Can Day Trading Really Be Profitable? The answer is yes, and Carlo and I are living proof of that! Check out the paper for yourself here and make sure to download it.
I am also working on a new book on this paper to be published by the well-recognizable brand Wiley. I will keep you posted on that!
Trading while traveling has been difficult, today I was able to catch an amazing trade on $TSLA and Avi in the room took the same trade with me using options, and made over $5,000 in just a few minutes. One thing I loved about Avi is that he articulated his plan clearly in the chat, and executed it perfectly.
You can watch the recap here, and ask me any questions you might have.
Watch my Recap on YouTube
There is so much uncertainty that it is hard to justify a move up or down in the equities by a wide margin. On one hand, you have a war that could last multiple years similar to Ukraine and Russia, on the other hand, the Fed is done with hiking the rates and tightening and the economy is finally slowing down.
I am not convinced that we will see $SPY at $460 again this year, but if we do, you will see me in an Urus Lambo ???.
If you want to trade alongside me, Avi, and Carlo in the chatroom and experience the potential additional income day trading offers.
To your success,