Big Crowd at MoneyShow | Can SPY hold 380?
Dear Traders,
Another volatile week has commenced, with the market gapping down over 1% but then rebounding in the Open session. I am in the United Kingdom, and actually staying in Windsor, near the castle grounds where Queen Elizabeth II will be laid to rest. It is quite the historic moment to be in Windsor today!

I did not trade, and most likely cannot trade in the next few days, but I know you are in for a treat trading with Thor, Brian, and others at the Open. Thor did some excellent trading today. You can watch his recap here.

Over the weekend, Peter and I were in Toronto, where I gave a very successful presentation at the MoneyShow, which was followed by a meetup at a nearby pub. The room for my presentation was full. It in fact was overflowing with standing room only! I discussed building a trading strategy for every market condition. Thanks to all of the MoneyShow organizers for such an amazing event, and thanks also for inviting me to speak.

I hope I get invited to more of their conferences, as they are high-quality events with great speakers. Everyone can learn and benefit from these types of free events. I urge you to keep an eye out for them.
Today is Monday and that means it is Monday Onboarding and Technology night. Starting at 8pm ET, Carlos and Mike will walk you through the tools needed to begin your trading career and introduce you to both our philosophy of education and our suggested path to success, with the end goal being that you will be able to build your own winning TradeBook for the stock market. All members, and in particular our new members, are most welcome – and very much encouraged – to join us on Monday nights.
Tomorrow, for Tuesday Strategy, Aiman will be leading a webinar entitled: Managing an Open Position. When should I enter into a trade? When should I let my winner run and when should I exit all for a small profit? Should I move my stop loss to break even? These questions – and more – are the types of questions you no doubt ask yourself every single time you are in a trade. Properly managing a trade is one of the most difficult aspects of trading you will face. In this webinar, Aiman will share his rules for effectively managing an open position in order to make the most of the winners while also at the same time minimizing as much as possible the losers. Aiman’s presentation commences at a special time of 5pm ET.
At PCT, tonight, John will be teaching Creating a Spreadsheet Journal for your Strategy. Tomorrow, Mike will be presenting Developing your Money & Risk Management and on Wednesday, Aiman & Megan will be leading a webinar on Begin Trading with Peak Capital. Finally, the evaluation period starts on Thursday. We wish all of our bootcampers the best of luck!
To your success,
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