A Webinar on the Most Important Element for Consistency: Share Size and Risk Management
I hope all of our members had a very nice long weekend and are ready for a short trading week. With Bitcoin over $50,000, and a volatile blockchain market, we are all in for a treat.
We apologize for the website issues last night and this morning, but it is all fixed now. Every Monday, our education team, Carlos, Mike and Kyle, offer an Onboarding and Technology session for new members. Due to the website issues, we changed the onboarding class to tonight at 7pm ET in the classroom. This is open to everyone including trial members. Come and learn how you can make the best use of our community.
Onboarding and Technology Class
Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 7pm ET
Also tonight, our Tuesday Strategy session will cover a crucial topic that is relevant for all traders, and it will be led by our very own Peter.
How to Trade the Right Share Size for You
Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 8pm ET
Webinar Room (Elite members only)
This webinar recording is available here →
In this webinar, Peter will review one of the most important elements of consistently profitable trading: risk management and share size. In my personal opinion, this is the most important webinar we have offered in a long time. So many traders struggle with the issue of losing big and winning small. Come join us and learn from one of our most senior members, our very own Peter, the gentleman with the sexy voice! Peter is someone who I have always looked up to. He retired from management consulting and a partnership at KPMG, leaving perhaps a 7-figure career, to pursue day trading full time. He was one of the first members of the then Vancouver Traders. To this day, Peter’s willingness to help others inspires me. After his young sister committed suicide at the age of 20, Peter devoted his time to volunteering on the boards of several non-profit organizations focused on mental health and suicide prevention causes. This alone very clearly demonstrates what a generous person Peter is.
I know I’ve written what follows before in other emails, but it is worth repeating. I can honestly say that whenever I talk to Peter, I learn something new. He is also always the first person to message me when I sleep in and don’t wake up on time for trading in the chatroom! Occasionally, usually around 3am, I will have a nightmare about Peter. It’s still true! Even in my sleep, he tells me, “Andrew, wake up, you need to trade, be responsible, the community wants you!” And when that happens, I wake up, sweating, look at the clock, see I have a little more time to sleep, and then perhaps have the pleasure of experiencing the same nightmare again. “Andrew, wake up …”
Wednesday’s Psychology webinar is being presented by our mindfulness coach, Neda Changizi. This week’s discussion is called: Balance Your Effort with Patience. Our patterns of persistence in our commitments sometimes have a harsh edge or a rushing factor to them. In this webinar, Neda will talk about bringing mindfulness to our habitual patterns and she will explore the choice of embodying stillness and patience.
Balance Your Effort with Patience
Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 8pm ET
Webinar Room (Elite members only)
Last but not least, don’t forget our Thorsday mentorship sessions with our very own Thor. They’re held in the webinar room and are open to Elite members. Please feel free to email Thor directly and ask him about the topics up for discussion.
I know there are many members being impacted by the storms in the US. Norm, for example, is currently without Internet and electricity in Dallas. I wish all of my American friends that are dealing with the storms well. Stay safe!
To your success,
PS: Please also feel free to read and share my newest book that I co-authored with Ardi Aaziznia, our Investment Growth Analyst at Peak Capital Trading. The book is called: Stock Market Explained: A Beginner’s Guide to investing and Trading in the Modern Stock Market. I in part contributed two chapters on day trading. The book discusses investing, swing trading, and day trading, and Ardi provides literally a ton of useful and important information for beginner traders and investors. If you are a seasoned trader or investor, you might find this book a bit too basic, but I know it would make a great gift for any family members or friends who are preparing to enter the financial markets. Ardi is an excellent trader and analyst, and has a very easy-to-understand style of writing. You can read excerpts from the book here: https://amzn.to/3ndAJkL In addition, as always, I sincerely appreciate your support for our publications, your sharing of information regarding Bear Bull Traders with others, as well as the honest feedback and reviews that you post on Amazon.
PS 2: We are offering 40% off of our Elite – Annual membership for Valentine’s Day. Use discount code LOVE40 at checkout, or simply click here to be brought to checkout.