So Long, 2021!
Dear Traders,
Although 2021 was very eventful and exciting, it also went by very fast. Reflecting back over the last 12 months, there are so many happenings to remember. A few that come readily to my mind include the Suez Canal blockage, Elon Musk hosting Saturday Night Live and being named TIME Person of the Year, Bill Gates’ divorce, and Jeff Bezos traveling to space. As well, there were numerous landmarks in the world of business, such as Robinhood and Coinbase’s IPOs, the GME short squeeze, and Jack Dorsey getting fired (or did he resign?) from Twitter. Regardless, it feels like it was just yesterday that Elon Musk was posting memes about the January Capitol “insurrection”. It is fitting that Brian and I started the last week of the year with an amazing trade on TSLA, you can see our recap here.
Interestingly, Mark Zuckerberg, possibly the most “socially” awkward person in the universe, who now controls the “social” life of billions of his platform users, decided to rebrand Facebook to Meta as part of his dive into the metaverse. I wonder, is he really confident in this new frontier of technology or is he simply trying to distract us from the multitude of privacy and mental health issues associated with his platforms? Either way, perhaps the most important thing to note is that during a Facebook Live broadcast, Zuck was spotted using an unopened container of barbecue sauce to help hold up books that I bet he probably has not read.
As for Bear Bull Traders, we did our best in 2021 to continue to expand the community and its resources. A sincere thank you to everyone in the community who helped us end this year strong. Your presence, the way you assist others to succeed in trading, your positive feedback, and your support mean so much to me. I am blessed to be part of this community, and leading it has definitely been the most rewarding chapter of my life thus far. I am thrilled that over the course of 2021, not only did our leadership team grow by several new members, but Ed Martin of AverageJoe Trading also merged his community with ours. As you know, Ed runs his chatroom inside of Bear Bull Traders, offers both Thursday afternoon mentorship sessions and Sunday morning swing trading sessions, as well as the opportunity to watch him conduct (and walk you through) his after-hours earnings trades. Ed is an amazing addition for our members, and everything he provides is included in the price of an Elite membership.
Peak Capital Trading ran three boot camps in 2021, and we added Dimah and Simon, two of the best traders from the boot camps, to the BBT and PCT teams. Our first bootcamp of 2022 starts on January 10th, you can sign up here. Ardi began to present two weekly options trading sessions and also developed a series of videos on options trading for our educational center. One of our more veteran traders and members, Kyle, who has helped so many of our members in all areas of trading, joined the team and leads the technology and advanced tools learning side of our community. Jarad started hosting a Crypto Friday mentorship session and Peter continued his overtrading on AMD, just as he did the year before.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic did not end, and variants keep being unleashed. Nevertheless, as people were vaccinated and COVID-19 rules and regulations began to be eased in some jurisdictions, we started to once again hold meetups. We held one of our biggest meetups ever in NYC for Thor’s birthday on the 4th of July. We also hosted an incredible meetup in Vancouver on December 3. I truly enjoy attending our meetups and connecting with both new and not so new members. I hope that in 2022 we can organize more marvelous meetups all around the world!
This year, we built an on-demand replay simulator which can be found at www.StockTradingSimulator.com. Aiman and Simon send out weekly lessons, trade ideas, recaps, and webinars to people who are interested in using this tool, which is available for free for everyone. We also have a few other projects in the pipeline that we will be launching soon. I was anticipating to have at least one of them out by the end of this month but, as you know, glitches can arise and we could not meet the deadline we had set. Stay tuned! I am certain that each of these undertakings will be beneficial to your trading. We further added a series of new YouTube videos including one in a podcast style that we are calling After Hours with Traders. Ardi is leading this program and I plan to work with him and expand it in the coming year.
My trading was amazing this year, and although I had a handful of bad day trading losses and one particularly bad swing trade on TNA, I overall experienced an astonishing 2021. I decided to open a Vancouver office and bring traders and developers in-house to further the growth of BBT and PCT. Albeit a costly path for me, I am very positive that in the long term, the products and tools we are adding for our members will help not only our specific community but also traders in general, wherever they are situated.
I expect that 2022 will be a significant year for me in terms of personal growth and development. I plan to climb some big mountains (potentially Everest!), run several more extreme ultra-marathons, and push the limits of my physical and mental boundaries. I hope you will also take the opportunity to define new challenges for yourself and push yourself to your limits. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
As ever, you can reach out to me at [email protected] or by simply replying to this email. I hope to hear from you soon and I look forward to seeing you at one of our 2022 meetups!
Happy New Year!
To your success,
PS: My favorite clearing firm and broker, Interactive Brokers, has launched a very powerful and cost-effective crypto trading platform which is considerably cheaper than what other brokers and exchanges are marketing. You can check the details out here.
PS2: If you would like to join BBT and experience all that we have planned for 2022, we are still offering our holiday promotion. You can get 40% off of an Elite Annual membership and a free month of DAS simulator (a $165 value) for a limited time. Check it out here.