Is the Stock Market Bubble Bursting?
Dear Traders,
These are scary times in the stock market. Yesterday, Jerome Powell’s speech was heartwarming for Wall Street, and stocks such as SPY and QQQ surged to mostly new all-time highs. Today, on the other hand, a bloodbath is unfolding, especially for the highly overvalued technology companies in QQQ. One thing that Federal Reserve chair JPow got correct on Wednesday was his observation that no one can really predict what the market and the economy will do in the future. Everyone was happy yesterday, but today, the bears are running the show.
I am back in the office, and although sleep deprived, managed to make two excellent trades on NVDA. I unfortunately, nevertheless, did succumb to a bit of overtrading on AMD, AAPL, and TSLA. You can catch the recap that Brian and I posted here.
Today, Ed Martin will be hosting his aftermarket trading and mentorship session in his room. Everyone is welcome to join in, see him undertake some after-hours trading, and ultimately learn from him. Ed is a great teacher and he is also very happy to answer any questions you might have. You can watch the recap here that Ed posted after losing $1k in overtrading.
I want to reiterate again that if you desire to become a better trader, please take a few minutes to review our free REPLAY tool here. I know it will be a key element to your success. While at this site, do ensure you sign up for the free lessons being offered by Aiman and Simon.
Next week, we will be presenting several important webinars, starting with Kyle’s technology and advanced tools webinar on Monday. On Tuesday, Aiman will discuss the ins and outs of trend trading. For Wednesday Psychology, Créde returns for the second part of her workshop on FOMO and overtrading. We will also be holding our regular Thursday mentorship sessions. For the complete list of webinars, please check out the website here.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday. I am looking forward to trading next to you in the chatroom on Friday.
To your success,